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Blocking Crash US-93 South of Hollister

IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE - generated by our News Release ListServer DO NOT REPLY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE District 4 Patrol 218 West Yakima, Jerome, ID 83338-5904 (208) 324-6000 Fax (208) 324-7897 For Immediate Release: Friday-June 10, 6:15 p.m. Please direct questions to the District Office The Idaho State Police is currently investigating a crash on US-93 near milepost 25, south of Hollister. Both lanes of travel are blocked at this time. 3639/3642 -------------

Landgrave & Nowrasteh on Criminal Immigrants

Michelangelo Landgrave and Alex Nowrasteh (University of California, Riverside and Cato Institute - Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity) have posted Criminal Immigrants: Their Numbers, Demographics, and Countries of Origin (Immigration Research and Policy Brief No. 1) on SSRN. Here...

** Update ** Blocking Crash US-93 South of Hollister

IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE - generated by our News Release ListServer DO NOT REPLY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE District 4 Patrol 218 West Yakima, Jerome, ID 83338-5904 (208) 324-6000 Fax (208) 324-7897 For Immediate Release: 6/10/2017 9:01 p.m. Please direct questions to the District Office ***** Update ***** The lanes are open. More information will follow as it becomes available. 3641 ****************** The Idaho State Police is currently investigating a crash on US-93 near milepost 25, south of Hollister. Both lanes of travel are blocked at this time. 3639/3642 -------------

CA7: Exclusionary rule won’t be applied to identity in an illegal reentry case

The exclusionary rule won’t be applied to suppress the identity of an undocumented person leading to illegal reentry prosecution (relying on Hudson). United States v. Chagoya-Morales, 2017 U.S. App. LEXIS 10277 (7th Cir. June 9, 2017): The Eleventh Circuit grounded … Continue reading →

CA9: Exigency supported entry into hotel room when there was another child inside in child sex exploitation case

Defense counsel was not ineffective. The search of defendant’s hotel room for evidence in a child sex exploitation case after she escaped from the room and talked to the police based on exigency. “ The officers also had exigent circumstances … Continue reading →

Anpassung des Enteignungsrechts

Gemäss einer Medienmitteilung vom 2. Juni 2017 will der Bundesrat (BR) das geltende Enteignungsgesetz (EntG; SR 711), dass in seinen Grundzügen aus dem Jahre 1930 stammt, revidieren. Der BR schlägt vor, die Verfahrensvorschriften an die geänderten rechtlichen Verhältnisse anzupassen und u.a. die Organisation sowie die Struktur der Eidgenössischen Schätzungskommissionen zu vereinfachen.Privates Eigentum an Grundstücken kann gegen volles Entgelt für gewisse bundesrechtlich anerkannte Interessen, wie beispielsweise für den Bau von Nationalstrassen und Eisenbahnen, enteignet werden. Das Verfahren und das entsprechende Gesetz sind knapp 90 Jahre alt und damit aus einer Zeit, in der umfassende Plangenehmigungsverfahren in ihrer heutigen Ausgestaltung noch nicht existierten.Heutzutage finden die meisten Enteignungen in Zusammenhang mit Werken statt, für welche eine Plangenehmigung nach öffentlicher Auflage unter Mitwirkung…

CA1: 25 year old prior could be considered by officer in RS totality

Reasonable suspicion was mounting from the beginning of the stop. Defendant was excessively nervous and repeatedly (to the surprise of the officer) consented to a search of the vehicle. Defendant’s 25 year old conviction wasn’t too stale to be considered … Continue reading →

Alonso Cueto en su laberinto

http://larepublica.pe/impresa/ocio-y-cultura/884858-dictadores-como-los-nuestros “Como lo demuestran Alberto Barrera y Rodrigo Blanco en Venezuela, la novela de dictadores no ha muerto. Pero en sus obras los patriarcas han dejado de ser los protagonistas. Y Fidel Castro, el dictador más longevo, no tiene una novela que lo recuerde. Ignorarlo fue la venganza de los escritores”. MI COMENTARIO LA PETULANCIA es la mejor manera de “bajar del trono” a una cofradía de personas con mucho amor al dinero y un ojo clínico para explotarlo.

ND: Method of packaging MJ was sufficient PC for delivery not just possession

The method of packaging marijuana was probable cause to believe there was probable cause to believe it was for sale and not misdemeanor possession. State v. Turbeville, 2017 ND 139, 2017 N.D. LEXIS 146 (June 9, 2017). The CIs were … Continue reading →

Federico Salazar y la defensa de "pura vida"

http://elcomercio.pe/opinion/mirada-de-fondo/pura-demagogia-federico-salazar-433586 No he escuchado a ninguna persona interesada o no en el tema de "pura vida", seguro que copiaron al cómico mexicano "Clavillazo" para el nombrecito; que hayan expresado que "pura vida"· era por decir lo menos dañino para la salud,  puedo convenir con el señor Salazar que en algunos programas televisivos se deja esa aureola de engaño con resultados negativos  para nuestra salud. Sin embargo. el meollo, el núcleo de la discusión es ofrecernos una cosa por otra el que haga o no daño a la salud  NO se ha probado científicamente aunque conocedores del tema indican que algunos de sus componentes pueden contribuir a sufrir cáncer.  No encuentro una razón lógica para la defensa cerrada de "pura vida" y con ella el inicio de transparentar el contenido de…

Beware Virginia “facts sufficient to prove guilt” dispositions

Beware when judges and prosecutors dangle before criminal defendants the prospect of an ultimate dismissal of a criminal case after first necessitating a finding of facts sufficient to prove guiltB , whether under Va. Code § 19.2-303.2 or otherwise. Beware even when criminal defense lawyers encourage such a path without having fully considered the possible booby traps/consequential collateral risks along the way, for starters including what happens when the dismissal conditions are deemed not to have been met (which then leads to a conviction and sentencing). In that regard, a very experienced and capable Virginia criminal defense lawyer once seemed irritated that I was not encouraging such a disposition for a marijuana possession client with a student visa, and I proceeded to obtain an acquittal. Eleuterio Payan Jaquez learned this lesson the hard way. Fifteen years after obtaining his green card/permanent resident visa, Payan got arrested for cocaine possession in…

Top-Ten Recent SSRN Downloads in Criminal Procedure eJournal

are here. The usual disclaimers apply. Rank Downloads Paper Title 1 225 The Use of Risk Assessment at Sentencing: Implications for Research and Policy Jordan M. Hyatt and Steven L. Chanenson Drexel University and Villanova University School of Law Date...

ND: Drug dog arriving before stop completed could sniff before stop ended

Because the drug dog arrived nearly at the same time as the officer making the traffic stop, the dog sniff on the highway did not extend the stop under Rodriguez. State v. Phelps, 2017 ND 141, 2017 N.D. LEXIS 134 … Continue reading →

"From Retribution to Public Safety: Disruptive Innovation of American Criminal Justice"

Alberto De Belaunde y el Género

http://diariocorreo.pe/opinion/la-palabra-prohibida-755137/ El señor Alberto De Belaunde que mide más de 1.80 mts (deduzco su tamaño por haberlo visto vía TV  en el reciente juramento a dos  Ministros cuando saludaba a uno de los invitados en el estrado) termina su comentario con el siguiente párrafo: “Por lo tanto, esta reciente intención de volverla una mala palabra, que apunta desde varios frentes a desterrar su uso, resulta ser un intento poco serio de legislar sobre políticas públicas y nos involucra en discusiones sobre supuestas ideologías que nos distraen de lo relevante para el país y para el ciudadano. No nos sumemos a ese juego”. La mala palabra a la que alude el congresista es GÉNERO MI COMENTARIO A ver si con la palabra género se define a mujer u hombre NO puedo estar en desacuerdo, mas, si por género se pretende incluir a homosexuales (mujer…

"Are 18-year-olds too immature to face the death penalty?"

Troy District Court Case Lookup or Case Search

The Troy District Court is located at 520 W. Big Beaver Road in the City of Troy, Michigan.  This Court is also known as the 52/4th District Court. For the assistance of a lawyer concerning all felony, misdemeanor, and traffic tickets, it is advisable to contact local attorney Daniel Hilf of the law firm Hilf & Hilf, PLC.  Hilf & Hilf, PLC is located at 1775 W. Big Beaver Road, which is approximately half a mile west of the court house, on the south (eastbound traffic) side of W. Big Beaver Road.  The telephone number for Hilf & Hilf, PLC is 248-792-2590. 52/4 Troy District Court Search Instructions Continue reading

Tiger Woods DUI Arrest Spotlights Complicated Problem Of Drugged Driving

After Tiger Woods’ recent DUI arrest, he issued a statement in which he said, “I want the public to know alcohol was not involved.  What happened was an unexpected reaction to prescribed medications.”  Prescription medications, as well as non-prescribed drugs, account for an increasing number of DUI/OVI cases in Ohio and throughout the United States.  Tiger’s situation very publicly spotlights the complicated problem of drugged driving. The Effects Of An Unexpected Reaction At about 3:00 am on Memorial Day, a police officer found Tiger asleep at the wheel of his Mercedes.  The car was parked, partially on the road, and the engine was running.  The officer approached Tiger and woke him.  The officer noticed Tiger was sluggish and observed Tiger’s speech was slow and slurred.  When asked where he was going, Tiger said he was coming from L.A. and going to Orange County.  He was actually in Jupiter, Florida.…

Crash With Blockage on I84 Near Wendell

IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE - generated by our News Release ListServer DO NOT REPLY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE District 4 Patrol 218 West Yakima, Jerome, ID 83338-5904 (208) 324-6000 Fax (208) 324-7897 For Immediate Release: 6/11/2017 5:07 p.m. Please direct questions to the District Office The Idaho State Police is currently investigating a crash with lane blockage on westbound Interstate 84 at milepost 158, near Wendell. Westbound lanes are currently blocked for emergency vehicles. More information will be released when available. 3435 / 3641 -------------

*Update* Crash With Blockage on I84 Near Wendell

IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE - generated by our News Release ListServer DO NOT REPLY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE District 4 Patrol 218 West Yakima, Jerome, ID 83338-5904 (208) 324-6000 Fax (208) 324-7897 For Immediate Release: 6/11/2017 5:20 p.m. Please direct questions to the District Office ***Update*** Only the right lane is still blocked at this time for emergency vehicles. 3435 *********** The Idaho State Police is currently investigating a crash with lane blockage on westbound Interstate 84 at milepost 158, near Wendell. Westbound lanes are currently blocked for emergency vehicles. More information will be released when available. 3435 / 3641 -------------
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